Friday, September 5, 2008

It's fixed!

Jared has surgery this morning to fix his "trigger thumb". We had to be at the hospital at 6:45-that was early!
The Doctor initialed his thumb to make sure they fixed the right one.
The bed was pretty high, and pretty neat!
"Peekaboo, I see you"
And off he went, for his wagon ride.
And we wait......
This is actually bandage number two. The "bearclaw" came off in about 1.2 minutes flat.
Toy Story seamed to calm the nerves of the post surgery boy. (He screamed, kicked, & cried for about 30 minutes after they brought him out)
And a wheel chair ride to the car, compliments of Nonny.
Yep-that's the right kid :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a brave one you have! Looks like he did very well. :)